[ Info Drop #034 ]: The Monumental Conflict of Interest No One is Talking About...
"fact-check the fact-checkers so the fact-checks they do can be fact-checked to be actual fact-checks..."
It has been a while since RT’s bombshell exposé of Facebook’s “fact-checkers” in which we discovered that one of the most used organisations for “fact-checking” vaccine information on their platform was indirectly funded by none other than Big Pharma giant Johnson & Johnson.
To refresh your memory, here is the segment:
Tens of thousands in funding and FactCheck.org tried to convince us that their “views don’t necessarily reflect the views of the foundation”.
A quick look at their coronavirus page today suggests otherwise.
The same games are being played with Russia and Ukraine.
Extensive new research has revealed that most of the fact-checking organisations Facebook has joined with to monitor and regulate information about Ukraine are directly tied to and funded by the U.S government, NATO, the Dutch government, the Czech government, the UK government, the German government and the European Union.
Now, this is would not be nearly as controversial if these funders hadn’t vigorously sided with Ukraine. The US alone has sent approximately $9.8 billion in security assistance to Ukraine so far.
Stop Fake:
Funded by NATO’s Atlantic Council, UK’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office, US’s National Endowment For Democracy, British Embassy, Czech’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Per StopFake’s own words, “in the case of StopFake.org when opponents want to insult the project, they immediately invoke National Endowment for Democracy donor support as evidence of U.S. government and CIA involvement.”
Accused of having ties to “white power groups” in Ukraine and “whitewashing” those Neo-Nazi group’s violence and war crimes.
Employed President Biden’s former Disinformation Governance Board head Nina Jankowicz, who has a track record of slandering independent news outlets.
One of their latest articles claims to debunk a story claiming Ukraine used a Tochka U missile to fire on a train station, however, what they only prove is that these missiles could potentially be in the hands of both sides and by result, Russia