Blitzkrieg Lawfare: The State's War Against Vitamin D-Endorsing Doctors
"Stop bogus health claims that endanger consumers," say heavy-handed bureaucrats
In 1940, German military units devastated the French. They did so by adopting a new style of offensive warfare, dubbed by the British as Blitzkrieg, that was not quite hitherto unseen but unexpected. Using a combined force of tanks, mobile infantry, and artillery troops pushing forward in unison, they eased through French defensive lines. Such an overbearing technique left the recipient overwhelmed, sowing utter confusion and limiting any hope of potential recovery. Within a month, France collapsed and sued for peace.
It would appear the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is attempting to revive such a tactic. Except, the victim, this time, is a doctor based in Missouri.
Back in 2020, Dr. Eric Nepute, a chiropractor by trade, started promoting vitamin D to treat covid infection. This was not controversial. A vast body of scientific literature had clearly documented vitamin D’s universal benefits, particularly regarding influenza-type viruses. Dr Nepute’s mistake was, however, according to the FTC, to claim that his “products can stand in for approved COVID-19 vaccines”.
We couldn’t find any explicit evidence of him making these claims. Not that there isn’t any.
For creating such a supposedly disgraceful risk to public health, the FTC sued Dr Nepute to the tune of $40,000 per violation. And since he promoted his products (a mixture of zinc and vitamin D supplementation) as effective treatments nearly over 12 million times (again, according to FTC) across various social promotions and news shows, the FTC saw fit to sue him for $480 billion ($40,000 times by 12 million). They did the latter under brand new legislation drawn up in 2020 called the Covid Consumer Protection Act.
Outlandish fines have, however, proved to be the least of Dr Nepute’s worries. The FTC, among other institutions, has already taken preemptive and excessive action against him.
Per his own words:
“Over the past 2 1/2 years the federal government has tried to make my life a living hell and my family’s life a nightmare.
The federal government convinced the Associated Press to run a international hit piece on me. Where they defamed my name, slandered my reputation, and attempted to destroy my career and healthcare.
The federal government colluded with five different banks that I work with personally and through my businesses. Every one of those banks shut my businesses accounts down and froze our assets until we moved them. We also had all of our credit card processing shut down because the federal government convinced the banks to do so.
In our medical practices we have been audited and put on temporary payment holds for the last two years with several insurance companies even when we passed all of their audits with flying colors. In my almost 20 years of practice I’ve only had one audit before from one insurance company. Isn’t it weird that we got audited by seven different insurance companies and twice by Medicare in the last two years?
I’ve had to defend my professional licenses five times over the past 2 1/2 years as well. Successfully I might add. And I think it’s interesting that the commonality between the complaints I have is number one they’ve all been initiated by the federal government and number two they weren’t concerned about what I had said but about the amount of people that heard me say it.
The federal government restricted my business capabilities by shutting down our banks and our marketing. So our message was censored and suppressed and our resources to defend ourselves we’re limited. We immediately lost 75% of our revenues because of these restrictions. They also closed down my wife’s personal accounts because she has the same last name.
All of our social media pages were shut down primarily Facebook which was millions of people per week. And the reason why Facebook shut it down was they said that they got notice from the federal government that there was an investigation going on and that the federal government wanted them to freeze our account.
The legal system is a joke. I have personally spent almost $3 million on defending myself and the rights of every person in America for this nonsense. And we still have not even been in front of the judge. They have moved my trial date multiple times. They’ve tried to settle on multiple occasions. What they really want is a gag order on me and big headlines in the news.
Even after we brought in some of the biggest world leading exports to my defense The Department of Justice tried to get all the expert witnesses thrown out except for their witness. Who by the way work for Washington University Hospital in St. Louis Missouri, and took a $9 million grant from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to make vaccines.
I humbly risk it all because I know God is in control and he has given me this blessing to carry. He will provide the ammunition I need to win this battle.”
Only a matter of days ago did a group of Italian scientists publish an extensive meta-analysis on vitamin D and its protective effect against covid infection. The results, according to the authors, are “conclusive”. Vitamin D cuts the risk of death from Covid by 51% and the risk of ICU admission by 72%. If we compared this to certain isolated datasets of hospitalisations from covid by vaccine/booster status, vitamin D would stand as a clear winner.
While Dr Nepute’s claims may not have stood up to scrutiny when he made them, they certainly do now. This is without even considering the inaccuracy of old governmental datasets inflating covid mortality - think false PCRs, changes to causes of death record systems, comorbidity exclusions, end-of-life care protocol mistreatment, etc. The list is endless. Then, there is the obvious point that the chance of experiencing an adverse reaction to vitamin D supplementation pales compared to the vaccines. So who’s really “endangering consumers” here?
If the banks, insurance companies, medical boards, Big Tech, and the Justice Department are happy to collude to effectively “un-citizen” a doctor promoting a damn vitamin at the behest of a power-crazed institution such as the FTC, is anyone safe? More to the point, how many individuals less notable than Dr Nepute have they done this to?

Question for readers:
Who else comes to mind after reading Dr Nepute’s story? Please let me know in the comments or feel free to DM on social media.