[ Info Drop #035 ]: The Unadulterated Truth About "Reverse Racism"
Is this enough evidence to declare it systemic?
The old chestnut of “reverse racism” has periodically resurfaced across the headlines in recent months.
A new report this week revealed that our favourite jab manufacturer, Pfizer, offers a prestigious fellowship that bars whites and Asians from applying. Adam Mortara, one of the country’s top civil rights attorneys, said, “this Pfizer program is so flagrantly illegal I seriously wonder how it passed internal review by its general counsel”.
Looks like we can add racism to their list of malfeasance.
Just two weeks ago, a British Royal Air Force chief quit because she refused orders to recruit “women and ethnic minorities over white men”.
Then, there was Nish Kumar’s outburst on Twitter last month.
Dubbed one of Britain’s “best” stand-up comedians, Kumar, sent out this tweet in response to Boris Johnson’s resignation:

It took us a mere 2 minutes to dig up something Defiant L’s would be proud of:
Now, we’re not fans of Boris Johnson. His proto-fascistic lockdown policies and subsequent barring of protests (yep - he really did that) amongst a slew of other globalist policies settled that matter. But why did Nish so fragrantly express his schadenfreude in terms of Boris’s race - answer, because it is culturally acceptable to do so. If Boris had a different skin tone, think immediate Twitter ban, a swift firing, and possible jailing by the UK tweet police.
For us, all too acquainted with the progressive culture of the West, this is just another notch on the belt, adding to an ever-growing list of elites spouting overtly racist statements against white people.
It is not exclusive to TV personalities. Anti-white racism is rampant among progressive actors, the commentariat, academia, Big Tech and even the judiciary.
See for yourself:
For the sake of preventing scroll cramp, we’ve aggregated the rest:
TV/Media Representation
One of the prominent progressive talking points is that minorities are underrepresented on our screens. However, back in 2020, a major survey of the British television industry found that gay people and ethnic minorities are massively overrepresented.
The Creative Diversity Network (CDN) published its Diamond: The Third Cut report after surveying over 30,000 diversity forms relating to over 600,000 TV production contributions. It revealed on-screen representation of minorities is 23%. That is nearly double the estimated population of minorities living in the UK at 14%.
In the US, a UCLA study discovered that minorities held 24% of all lead acting slots on broadcast shows in 2018–19, up nearly 20% from numbers recorded in 2011. Black Americans roughly make up 13% of the population.
The same study also revealed that black actors were overrepresented in total cast diversity for broadcast (18.0%) and cable shows (18.2%) in 2018–19.
(It is important to note that these numbers do not reflect how many minorities apply in proportion to other ethnicities - that’s the key when determining bias).
Education/Educational Achievement
Another argument that progressives rely on is educational achievement. The theory goes that minorities encounter more hurdles, which hamper their chances of success.
Per 2015 BIS data, however, white British pupils in the lowest socio-economic quintile group are less likely to go to university by over 10 percentage points than those observed for any other ethnic group. Even Chinese pupils in the lowest socio-economic quintile group are over 10 percentage points more likely to go to university than white British pupils in the highest socio-economic quintile. The former may be in part because of the poor attainment grades plaguing poor white British students since the 2010s.
The story in the states is different. Among recent high school graduates of different racial/ethnic groups, the rates of college enrolment in 2019 were 90% for Asian people, 68% for white people, 63% for Hispanic people and 50% for black people.
Data from The National Center for Education Statistics shows that school districts with higher portions of minority students spend about the same average amount per student as school districts with smaller portions of minority students. So we cannot say it is down to a systematic funding bias.
Those in the mainstream argue that there is a clear racial bias concerning income. Part of their quarrel hinges on how recruiters reject applicants with foreign names. Researchers from Nuffield conducted an experiment showing this. They sent 3,200 fake job applications out for a variety of jobs (but swapped, for example, Adam for Mohammed on identical applications) and found that 24% of white British applicants received a call back while only 15% of minorities did.
When looking at the rates of income in the average weekly income bracket by ethnicity, the narrative doesn’t hold up. According to UK government statistics, using 2011 census numbers, black people outrank white people on weekly income by 7% in the income bracket of £400-599. When comparing the spread of income in the higher brackets (£1000+) the reported figures between black Brits and white Brits are more or less the same. Staggeringly, there is just under double the proportion of people earning £2000+ per week in the “other” ethnicity group than in the white ethnicity group and just over double for the black ethnicity group. In short, the Nuffield study bears no translation to the income statistics. In reality, given Britain remains a majority white country, there is a stronger argument for Asian or “other” privilege from these numbers.
Additionally, in the US, progressives claim that as black or African-American men climb the corporate ladder, they still make less than equally qualified white men. One study even claimed that black men earned 87 cents for every dollar a white man earned. What these studies do, however, is over-inflate the ethnic groups and distort averages. When looking at US Census Bureau numbers, many minorities out-earn white people. For instance, by median household income, Indian Americans earn $126,705 per year, Filipino Americans earn $100,273 per year, Pakistani Americans earn $87,509 while white Americans earn $69,823 per year and black Americans earn $43,862 per year.
We’ve covered and debunked many myths surrounding policing and racism before in these posts below.
On a brief point, if you’ve heard of George Floyd but not Tony Timpa - your perspective is likely skewed.
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention found that white males accounted for 69.38% of suicide deaths in 2019. White males make up 31% of the US population. That is a significant overrepresentation.
The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey for the UK found that the percentage of white people who tried to commit suicide is twice the number of other ethnicities; 13% for white people (combining “white British” and ”white other”), 5.3% for Asian people, 6.1% for black people and 5.7% for “mixed/other”. The data did not provide breakdowns combining both gender and ethnicity as The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention did. 753 suicides were reported last year, however, and it is a well-established fact that males make up roughly three-quarters of all suicides in the UK.
Despite all of these countervailing facts, which are easily accessible, the likes of those elitist journalists, actors, and comedians still persist with the “white privilege”, “abolish whiteness” narrative.
To risk breaking the objective nature of this article, might we suggest it is because these people thrive off fomenting division?
Diving deeper into other socio-economic studies might show some minor discrepancies but such differences cannot be rectified through “reverse racism”, which is racism, pure and simple.
It is like what our once favourite Targaryen once said, before she went all sociopathic, mad queen on us, “we don’t need to stop the wheel, we need to break the wheel”. That can only be achieved if progressives stop persistently perceiving through the lens of race.
While we’re on the subject of division…