Some Saturday Entertainment: Locals Return And Clash With Negligent Council Over Reckless "Green" Policy

Colchester residents Rachel Matthews and Carinna Cooper highlight more of the unreported dangers of mass EV adoption.

Back in July, I made a thread on X about a council consultation involving two Colchester residents, Rachel and Carinna. In summary, they hammered council officials over their “green” policy.

The thread went mega-viral, accumulating over 1 million views.

Such reach seemed to signal that people didn’t really know just how dangerous electric vehicles (EVs) can be. Nor did they know the extent to which these “sustainable” tools, aren’t really that sustainable after all. Or how unethical the production of said tools - e bikes, scooters, electric cars - are.

Last night, Rachel got in touch and sent me her latest video, which I have clipped and edited for quicker watching. You can watch the full interaction here, now available on YouTube.

Some of Carinna’s revelations in this latest confrontation are just as eye-opening as those aired previously.

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