Two Andrew Bridgen Rallies In The Flesh In Two Weeks: Here Are The Highlights
Summaries and what I witnessed first-hand...

It took 26 tries, but we finally got there.
On 18th April, the Backbench Business Committee finally permitted Andrew Bridgen MP to debate the big, fat elephant that has been lingering in the room since 2021 - Britain’s dreadful excess death rates.
His opening speech in the House of Commons lasted just shy of 20 minutes. Like his adjournment debate back in January, he covered a variety of subjects, including, but limited to; historical rises in the number of vaccine-injured, the Office for National Statistics’ (ONS) curious alteration to excess death calculations (poof… they’re now below the baseline), the UK Health Security Agency’s (UKHSA) inexplicable decision to release death by vaccination status data to Pfizer but not the public, as well as the latest studies linking mRNA vaccines to cancer progression.
Before doing so, Bridgen made one of his most poignant points. One that critics seem to have forgotten:
“I have been called an anti-vaxxer, as if I have rejected those vaccines based on some ideology. I want to state clearly and unequivocally that I have not: in fact, I am double vaccinated and vaccine-harmed. Intelligent people must be able to tell when people are neither pro-vax nor anti-vax, but are against a product that does not work and causes enormous harm to a percentage of the people who take it.”
Another startling revelation involved the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority’s (PMCPA) public reprimand of Pfizer’s “misuse of social media to misleadingly and illegally promote their Covid vaccine”. Bridgen highlighted that the Head of Pfizer UK, Susan Rienow, is also the president of the watchdog, the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) that established the PMCPA, which issued the ruling.
Interestingly, when it was found Novo-Nordisk, a Danish multinational pharmaceutical company, breached ABPI’s Code of Practice last month, they expelled Novo for 2 years. Comparatively, Pfizer's meek apology allowed the company to escape such fate, despite this incident marking its seventh consecutive breach.
Other Excess Death Debate Highlights:
Sir Christopher Chope immediately followed Bridgen. His focus was on the government’s poor administration of the vaccine-injury compensation scheme. As it stands, there have been over 9,000 claims, but over 4,000 have not even been resolved yet.
He also noted that the payment of £120,000 for successful claims has remained unchanged since 2007, failing to keep pace with inflation — unlike MPs' salaries, which are routinely debated and raised.
According to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests up to February 14, 2024, the scheme has granted 163 payments, including 60 due to fatalities. Additionally, 394 claims have been pending for over 12 months, with 168 of those waiting more than 18 months, and 57 extending beyond two years. At least 303 claims were unsuccessful despite accepted causation, due to not meeting the 60% “disabled” criteria.
Next came Dr Keiran Mulligan, Conservative MP for Crewe and Nantwich. In response to Chope’s later citation of the jab’s benefit-to-risk profile, he genuinely compared the mRNA Covid vaccines - yes, a rushed, novel, and experimental therapy - to antibiotics.
Dr Mulligan’s point was that antibiotics receive licenses despite the possibility of rare and fatal side effects. Thus, the Covid vaccines are no different. The only problem is, as a fish would know at this point, Covid vaccines differ vastly from antibiotics. They operate by completely different means and one wasn’t rushed into emergency approval without long-term clinical trials. Covid vaccines also also carry a significantly higher risk of adverse events.
A Liberal Democrat popped up next in the way of Wera Hobhouse, MP for Bath. In her belief, there is no “absolute, certain evidence” a link exists between the vaccines and excess deaths. A poorly timed intervention, as days later AstraZeneca admitted in court for the first time that their product causes a rare and fatal side effect.
I doubt I need to bother linking the dozens upon dozens of studies and analyses - some already covered in this newsletter and on my Telegram channel - proving her remarks to be ignorant at best and retarded at worst.
Stephen Metcalfe, MP for South Basildon and East Thurrock, then joined in and wasted a good minute of everyone’s lives. He noted that the vast scope of the vaccination campaign may create the impression of increased side effects and emphasised the need for further research “to uncover the fundamental truth”.
Bridgen has been asking for this for months and did so in front of Metcalfe minutes prior when he called on UKHSA to release data on death by vaccination status. Get this man some cotton earbuds…
Last to toe line was Andrew Gwynne, Labour MP for Denton and Reddish. His 5-minute rebuttal as Shadow Minister for Social Care confirmed Bridgen’s testimony had unfortunately fallen on deaf ears.
In summary, he acknowledged the risks associated with vaccines but quickly downplayed them, spewing typical ScienceTM tropes such as “(the vaccine) allowed us to return to normality, and, most important of all, they have saved lives”. Funny that the government’s own data shows vaccine effectiveness against death was near zero.
At least these MPs turned up, which can’t be said for the some 640+ other representatives of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. I lobbied my local MP, Clive Lewis, to attend the debate and didn’t even get a response.
Another notable moment occurred when members of the public cheered from the gallery. This display likely did not sit well with the twitchy editors at the BBC, who had altered their slogans nine times during Bridgen's initial address on excess deaths in October of the previous year. Similarly, Dame Rosie Winterton, Deputy Speaker of the Commons, responded by threatening to eject them.
Rally in Parliament Square (18th April 2024):
Upon Bridgen’s instruction, members of the public gathered in Parliament Square immediately following the debate. It did not go as expected.
There were around 60-70 people in attendance. Some donned hippy attire and danced to rock music. This didn’t seem to fit the nature of the debate - we’re talking about people losing their lives here. It also dawned on me and a few others that this is exactly what makes it that much easier for the uninformed to dismiss concerns. However, “you do you” and all that.
Covileaks founder Fiona Hine kicked off proceedings. I recorded the first part of her speech, which you can watch below:
Bridgen spoke afterwards. He shocked spectators by unveiling that the Deputy Speaker apparently attempted to half his speech 10 minutes before the debate:
A variety of characters, including the ever-charismatic Piers Corbyn, gave brief speeches after while Bridgen mingled with the crowd and talked with several alternative media journalists. The theme was similar throughout. It’s time for some real transparency.
Leicester Clock Tower Rally (27th April 2024):
Last Saturday, I then travelled to Leicester to attend a Tribe of Leicestershire and British Lions for Freedom event, two grassroots campaign groups dedicated to spreading the word about vaccine harms and globalist agendas. This time fewer hippies were present.
The event began with a 71-year-old ex-policeman lamenting the fact that he spent decades defending the public’s freedom and never thought he’d have to do the same again. From my view, he personified Bridgen’s base. These are everyday people who’ve dared to look past the headlines and found themselves astonished.
Succeeding the ex-copper was some interesting “street theatre”. The performance entailed New World Order (NWO) thugs frogmarching prisoners who’d failed to comply with carbon output limits and vaccine mandates. As far as political messaging goes, it got to the point:
Being the grumpy sod I am, this was a little cringey for me, but then came the star speakers.
A tall, slender gentleman entered everyone’s view after the street theatre bearing gravitas. The gentlemen turned out to be a former police surgeon and NHS doctor by the name of Dr Teck Khong.
He addressed several key issues in British politics, specifically the financial impact of illegal immigration and the increase in electricity prices propagated by the government’s ravenous appetite for “green energy”.
Then he dropped a bombshell about The Daily Express. Revealing how the outlet forced him to tone down an article that criticised the benefits of vaccinating children against Covid:
Dr Khong is representing the Alliance for Democracy and Freedom party for Melton and Syston, a parliamentary seat that will be contested for the first time in the upcoming general election.
The most humbling moment of the rally arrived when a vaccine-injured veteran stumbled over to the makeshift podium, describing how “protecting” his family devastated his life. To understand the possible severity of Covid vaccine-injury, you have to hear it from the horse’s mouth:
For the finale, the main man echoed many points from his previous speech on excess deaths but also introduced some of his lesser-known policies. Upon reelection, Bridgen announced plans to campaign for the reform of the House of Lords, reduce the number of MPs by half, and support frequent referendums on critical national issues.
Ending on a positive note, he uttered:
“We are moving forward. The tribe is getting bigger. People are waking up. The establishment are panicking. I can see the fear in their eyes and they need to have as many sleepless nights going forward as they’ve given us.”
Three years to process 180 of 4,000 injuries… that’s 60 a year…. 4,000 divided by 60 equals 66 years .. yes that’s how long this could drag on because of bureaucracy.. and inept political management.
Ha yeah, I’m kinda keen for a little more result … keen to see heads on pikes, that’s a meaningful outcome that will dissuade future attempts.