UKHSA Chief Executive Caught With Her Head In The Clouds... Literally
Musings on excess deaths in England and the "climate crisis"
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is, per their own words, “responsible for protecting every member of every community from the impact of infectious diseases, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents and other health threats”.
Under this purview, they seek to provide “intellectual, scientific and operational leadership at the national and local level, as well as on the global stage, to make the nation’s health secure”.
Since April, the UK has suffered a sustained and record-breaking increase in excess deaths. UKHSA officials ought to be deploying every available asset to investigate the matter. Instead, the agency’s Chief Executive, Dr Jenny Harries, is talking about climate change.
Last month, in an exclusive interview with national rag The Guardian, Harries stated “if several aeroplanes all exploded and we’d lost that many people it would be front-page news in health protection terms”. She was talking about climate change’s apparent covert yet fatal impact. Lack of air-conditioning compared to hotter European countries is also a factor, she said.
That’s weird… Sure there was a spike in July this year, but quarterly average temperatures over the last decade look pretty stable.
In January, the ONS released its first estimation of “climate change deaths”. They concluded that the number of deaths associated with warm or cold temperatures has actually decreased between 2001 and 2020. On average, 27,755 fewer people were dying each year due to warm or cold temperatures. In short, climate change might have actually prevented over half a million deaths in England and Wales over this period.
Harries is the same person who - during the supremacy of covidmania - claimed Brits “could need covid boosters every 6 months”, declared the public “should not socialise unless necessary” (as late as November last year), and terminated the agency’s vaccine data report (as the data showed decreasing jab effectiveness against infection AND hospitalisation) in April of this year.
Just how desensitised to falsehoods have our officials become? And more importantly, some of the wider public by result?
Over Here, it's old news, but typical of Jenny Harries and the Gruniad. Ever noticed JH and Neil Ferguson are never seen in the same room?