“Grimes has also previously argued that vaccine passports should be seen as a mark of solidarity” he’s right but it is the absence of a passport that is now a mark of solidarity.

Stop watching “live” broadcast TV and then stop paying for the license.

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The BBC is so scared of being irrelevant and ignored that it is running around screaming that every new form of media is dangerous and bad and shouldn't be allowed. So stupid because they are simply making themselves irrelevant and ignored. Even people who don't bother with the alternative news forums no longer bother with most of the BBC's output because they don't trust it and don't like the message. So sad.

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Thanks for a great article. I suppose I see things slightly differently but I totally agree with your focus on this activity. I see all those actors involved, as part of the same team.

I consider the BBC to be the governments foremost tool for social engineering and dissemination of propaganda. Proven to me over 15 years of observing their coverage of vaccines, autism, iatrogenic deaths.

Malhotra was used by the state to advertise and coerce people to take the vaccine on morning television. He then stepped in to take credit for the NHS 100K resistance which I dont believe he had anything whatsoever to do with but in doing so became an unelected spokes person.

Then he fully switched sides and spoke just a teeny bit about only one apsect of the covid vaccines, myocarditis which was already out there, he did not break that story. And finally he manages to produce a film which a nice pivot away from vaccines (the killing tool) over to food or cardiac drugs or some such, with a red carpet of B list celebrities, gaining untold PR globally and miraculously ends up in Trumps administration almost as a UK representative of the anti vaccine movement which he certainly is not. And anyone who has been round this for a decade or two will be able to spot this deception fairly easily as it has been done before, US 2012 Oversight Committee as one example. Malhotra is not the resistance he is a state operative. His prime role is to pivot away from vaccines....as they are being crushed on that front and probably have to use their usual tricks of putting in place a controlled spokesperson.

And the final person I wanted to mention your article neatly calls out is Heidi Larson. Heidi is the grandmother of the program to crush the anti vaccine movement. She is an anthropogist (often synonomous with social engineer in my research trails). She has been involved in this for a long long time. She has worked with WHO, GAVI, UNICEF, Wellcome Trust and LSTM looking at vaccination refusal.

She set up the Vaccine Confidence Program and freely admitted that the entire vaccine program was built on trust, vaccines are a leap of faith as there were risks and when those most likely to refuse vaccines (the wealthy well educated in their words), read the primary literature they were able to interpret it correctly. She is married to Sir Peter Piot microbiologist known for his research into Ebola and AIDS. He was also a tool of the UN, WHO, CEPI and like Larson lined up with LSTM (an institution propped up by Gates for decades to fuel vaccine prolification.

So in summary based on my research, they play both sides always. BBC is the PR agent, their chosen opposition, in this case Malhotra, and their bought experts (lifetime actors in many cases).

Heres a little beaut from Larson at Davos...the first 5 minutes are worth a listen.


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If the BBC reported that breathing was important to the survival of the human body, I’d hold my fucking breath. The epitome of smarmy feckless midwit intelligentsia middle class people in the UK.

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