Wonder how many of them took their own advice, but got jabbed with the real thing. I guess time may tell.

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remembering the curious video of leaders getting jabbed with no syringe...

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Excellent research, thank you. When we look now at what these people, who were supposedly leaders in their respective fields, told the people, they were out-and-out blatant lies. A few more names to be added to the Nuremberg 2.0 list.

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Excellent piece. Thank you for naming names. Most media are still avoiding specific naming of the underlings. Look I get it, they are not the "head honchos", they are opportunistic, narcissistic, morally bankrupt, lavatory rats, who have and continue to profit off people's pain, and shaming them will not stop the shots being distributed. BUT it will show that the reason we are still visiting this $#!@ show of a propagandemic, iatrogenic democide, is because the bureaucratic suck ups, continue to cover each others sub par performance/ethics/standards and the systems are broken. ALL the social contracts have been trashed, beyond repair and there is now no other option than to have a changing of the guard. Replace them all. No ifs or buts. Because frankly, those who witnessed these examples and, said nothing, nada!? Do you really want them still working the system? BTJMO.

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thank you - took a lot of tedious research this one but hopefully it'll serves as another example to prompt the media to actually research guests they feature (as well as the govt). And 100% agree. The whole system needs gutting, if it continues public trust will continue to dissipate and they'll only have themselves to blame.

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Your last paragraph totally nails it...(I may have used a stronger word than irks!! Lol)

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enrages is probably more accurate but wanted to maintain some appearance of having a level head lol

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They all should be embarrassed to call themselves doctors 🤬🤬

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these payments should disqualify them from participating on committees

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More like ashamed, it’s so disgusting. Honour, integrity?, I think not.

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Super, super, super! Keep 'em coming - I loved this - especially relevant at a time when we are learning that Tory Ministers and even police security guards nip out to Ladbrokes to place bets on the date of elections - they are all at it!

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When are these c🤬ts going to jail for crimes against humanity, the payments are so small but I bet they have all been promised well paid jobs in Big Pharma!

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