Jamie was found NOT GUILTY. He should never have been put through any of this, including the almost unprecedented (for such an ‘offence’) three weeks on remand. I was due to attend the original hearing in the autumn before he was bailed and the case put back. I couldn’t make it today, but some friends (some of him know him well) were there.

It was revealed in court that Buffy Williams, the Labour MS for Rhondda, made the police complaint via her communications officer. Naturally after this revelation she has received thousands of messages demanding an explanation as to why a good man was targeted in this way. Her response was to issue a snivelling statement blaming members of her constituency for highlighting the case (bs has been called). The moniker ‘Buffy the Free Speech Slayer’ is sticking.

This was 100% a political prosecution with malicious intent. Only Jamie’s knowledge of his rights and courage in refusing to plead guilty saw him emerge a free man. Thanks for bringing this to wider attention. Welshmen will not yield!

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We must be able to do something to help. As a former colleague of Kier Starmer’s, I’m so angry that the criminal justice system has been weaponised against its citizens. We are a laughing stock across the world. Violent prisoners let out on the streets to make way for individuals standing up for their communities, and ultimately our country. I haven’t watched the video, but I have seen the wrongs done to others. I’m sick of the fact we are being silenced. Social media is full of Islamists openly discussing the strategies they have to take over the West. I fail to understand how they can be so open about it, and yet if we so much as refer to it, or forward on what they say, it becomes a criminal offence.

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Starmer's a sociopath,

No empathy

No sense of humour

Bristles when challenged

Cannot bear to be laughed - witness his reaction to a TV audience laughing at his " Son of a toolmaker" nonsense.

Pathological liar

We meet others through their eyes - his are blank and empty.

God knows what state we will be in when he's finished with us.

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Simply appalling. The sorry state of modern Britain and its corrupt ruling class. I despair .

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The tyrannical UK government and their jackbooted lackeys silencing anyone who disagrees. They set violent offenders free and jail those speaking truth. About time we replaced this system with a working Constitution that enshrines the right of free speech and ensures a fair trial, and not any of this sham nonsense crooked cops and bent judges concoct.

I wrote a couple of articles documenting blatant inconsistencies and obvious political bias in sentencing. They might be of relevance:



Corrupt justice system needs to die in a fire.

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Praying the jury hasn't been intimidated into blaming this guy for his non-inflammatory views. Nothing would now surprise me in our ludicrous criminal justice system. Absolutely horrified regarding where this is all headed.

Is it just me, or should everyone be worried that 'Angewa Wayner' is apparently discussing so-called 'Islamophobia' with an entire cohort of Muslims - and Muslims only - in that picture? There's nothing like balance ⚖️ in the legal system ...

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Tony Blair’s 2005 Constitutional Reform Act created the Judicial Appointments Committee (JAC). Previously, judges were appointed by the Lord Chancellor, an elected politician, so reflected the change in ruling party over time. Tony and Cherie stuffed the JAC with their hard left lawyer friends and 20 years later, we have a hard left judiciary. Until the JAC is abolished and judicial appointments returned to Parliament, we will see ever more deeply politicised, two tier justice.

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Angela Rayner sitting amongst a crowd of men who think she should be at home baking samosas and who will undoubtedly send her and all the other women in the UK back to the kitchen if things carry on as they are. How stupid and ignorant are these politicians that they know nothing about Islam and the Koran?

As for the justice system in the UK being full of champagne socialists - makes me want to scream! Posh, public school educated people who read the Guardian, have second homes in the Dordogne, send their kids to public school, shop in Waitrose blah, blah, blah. They are all onboard the Climate Crisis, Net Zero, DEI, White People are Fascists and Racists narrative. Those "friends of Angela's" are just waiting to shut them up and they can't see it.

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Feb 8Edited

It’s the horrendous acts of violence perpetrated by these people that causes “religious hatred”, not the people commenting on it.

The insane authorities of Britain are protecting a section of humanity whose religious book INSTRUCTS them to do violence to “nonbelievers.”

Yesterday the government in Australia brought in hate speech laws, along with tens of thousands more people unlikely to integrate with the citizens here.

The world is insane.

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Angela Rayner takes her orders from Swiss Bank Authority in Geneva. She’s a pawn of NATO dominated money interests at very high levels. Her career depends upon her compliance. She’s a traitor to the former nation of her birth.

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well said Jamie. Thank god there are still people like you to speak the truth and stand up for the British way of life. l firmly believe that the plan is to turn the UK into an Islamic state

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I would have been alarmed if Jamie had been convicted, but I found his video a bit muddled, even paranoid. I'm glad justice has been done. I hope Jamie finds peace, and that the politicians deal with the various shortcomings in free speech, crime prevention, policing, immigration policy, community relations, and the administration of justice, all of which were brought to light by this episode of our history and it's aftermath.

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l didn't see any evidence of paranoia in Jamie's video. Everything he said is realistic.

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The best throwaway comment by a judge in one of these cases, that the person involved had indulged in " anti-establishment rhetoric". What?

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Your article is much appreciated, and its update gave me my first online joy this month.

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Maybe it’s worth being aware that when some stabbing took place the word went around (falsely)that an asylum seeker was the guilty party. Incensed by these migrants (if one is guilty obviously they all are) went to an hotel where refugees were being housed and tried to burn it and the occupants to the ground. Therefore it is hardly surprising we should be wary of anti-migrant rhetoric when it incites people to extreme violence.

Marginalising people is awful: surely the history of anti-semitism teaches us that?

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