Covid was the UK's 911- it has allowed the UK government to completely disrupt its society, torture and cull its populations in full public sight, expand its existing psy ops and bring all sorts of deliciously, "can never go back completely" policies like this.
If the traumatised public of the UK allow this, then they will end up in a "Vendetta-esque" future, that will take generations (time and people you don't have as it is!), to recover.
Are you aware of Bill 179 currently working its way through Parliament?
Peter Kyle has his ‘dabs’ all over it!
Video Alert:
Covid was the UK's 911- it has allowed the UK government to completely disrupt its society, torture and cull its populations in full public sight, expand its existing psy ops and bring all sorts of deliciously, "can never go back completely" policies like this.
If the traumatised public of the UK allow this, then they will end up in a "Vendetta-esque" future, that will take generations (time and people you don't have as it is!), to recover.
#dontletthemhide #dontbuytheBS #follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
Many thanks for your post. I see Peter John Kyle, his full name, can be made to only these two word annagrams
- polythene jerk
- telephony jerk
We can also get
- he joker plenty
- eel python jerk
- hey jet plonker
Explains him I guess.