Disgusting, unethical, biased, greedy, stupid ... Charlie Massey should be booted out pronto. The snake rots from the head.

The GMC needs root and branch reform as it's full of loony leftist progressives with bogus authority - healthcare is the LAST place where you'd want them.

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Charlie Massey anagrams to 'slimy arse ache'. I don't think one can better that although I found other suitbale phrases.

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Agreed. I am a Clinical Nutritionist. I had a client recently who was a recently retired nurse. On my health history form it asks for Sex. She said I need to change it to Gender. I asked her, as a clinician, what value does it give me? How will a persons state of psychological dysphoria help me identify a physiological problem?

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I suppose it gave you a window into her mind which might be illuminating as you go forward ... some of these problems being in the mind and then affecting the body? I don't know, I'm just curious ...

But doesn't it just make you tired? With everything you already deal with, and then you have the prospect of facing the total ideological/DEI capture of the NHS and its members, which shows little sign of abating with Wes Streeting's tenure as Health Secretary.

I had hopes - which were dashed with his total capitulation early on with billions of pounds paid to doctors without any change of contractual obligations.

It being a Labour government, I should not have been surprised. Naïve of me!

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It did make a tired, you're right. Her reason for consultation was RCC - renal cell carcinoma - how to protect her remaining kidney. Biological gender influences and is an underlying contributory factor to many diseases. It would be incorrect of me not to consider hormonal factors.

Her parting comment was 'many of my friends won't come and see you'. So I said 'that's a pity for them - I'm THE best in the county'. 🤣

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She was doing her friends a disservice - not just dysphoria, but stupidity! Very happy to hear you called her out on it 👍

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Again, anyone who aids and abets corruption should be jailed.

Stop handing out slaps on the wrists and prosecute.

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GMC should be classed as a terrorist organisation. Dr Vernon Coleman.

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Indeed. General medical council anagrams to

- concealed criminal glue

- cruel angelic demonical

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Many thanks for exposing Charlie Massey.. I see his name anagrams to

- alias schemery

- merciless ayah

- I salary scheme

- As he a sly crime

- ay liar schemes

- he slimy Caesar

I like the last one especially as he is CEO.

P.S. He is also 'slimy arse ache'. :)

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Who would want to be treated by a male doctor who wears a dress and wants to be called Janice? How could anyone trust the treatment such a doctor would give? Men who think they need tampons, believe they can have babies or go through the menopause are mentally ill. Likewise, women who think they should cut off their breasts and take hormones so as to grow beards are mentally ill. These are not suitable candidates to work as health care providers and patients should be able to refuse to be seen by them. What a ridiculously mad world we have fallen into!

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It's government. 'Official' opinion beats science. Un-productive officials (read: second class citizens) are not trust worthy.

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When greed forgets ethics, ‘big food meets big pharma.’ Disgusting.

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The medical profession remains captured by gender identity ideology.

The "Gender Identity Research & Education Society" (GIRES) had been training the NHS to give puberty blockers to tomboys. [1]

Even after the Cass Review, and Prof. James Palmer, director of specialised services, saying that the NHS does not have any formal relationship with the GIRES, the NHS are still asking GIRES's advice for commissioning "gender dysphoria" services. [1]

[1] https://transpolicy.substack.com/p/why-is-the-gender-identity-research

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be sure to check out a page called the expose /alsi check out dr vernon coleman aka the old man in a chair..also check out and read carefully a petition at citizen go.org..say no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic treaty..be aware its a worldwide petition ot can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from ANY country in the world it currently has 216,157 signatures...to bypass the censorship gestapo if resharing it only use e mails as they cant be censored or suppressed FACT

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