Aug 13Liked by JJ Starky

It hasn’t happened here in the U.S. … yet. But the speech censorship infrastructure is moving speedily along. The Dems think all information should be “curated” to avoid so called misinformation

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oh the democrat-media complex will try with all their might but that glorious constitution of yours and its supporters will never let them... wish we had one

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Aug 13Liked by JJ Starky

The Constitution has been re-interpreted constantly. The First Amendment is far less of a protection than one might think. It boils down to how courts choose to interpret it. Ultimately, the real protection is a political one; to have courts and a police force that see themselves as upholding the law impartially and a citizenry that defends its rights via the political process.

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There is two-tiered justice in the US. Just ask the January 6th defendants, (Insurrection? Really?), Donald Trump, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon.

CIA Director John Brennan, FBI Director James Comey, and DNI James Clapper. All committed Perjury in lying to Congress, but no charges, not even a tsk, tsk.

Pulitzers awarded for Russia-gate reporting that have never been retracted even though that was clearly misinformation.

All of the "crimes" committed by the so-called "Far Right" are prosecuted and enforced. The Left? Don't hold your breath.

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"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me"

I appear to be the only person left in the world who grew up with this mantra. Although Ricky Gervais and Nigel Farage seem to think the same. People need to frigging grow up - what gives them the right to pretend to be mortally offended at being called unpleasant names? The police and the judiciary should be ashamed of themselves.

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couldn't agree more stuffy.. there's a real childish element to it. living in a free society means your free to hate, love, dislike, like etc.

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Unfortunately we live in a universe of ‘hurty feelings’.

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So how is the general public taking it, especially the native English, Scots, Welsh, and Irish?

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