Who appointed these disgusting people as senior police officers, they need to be named and shamed. I speak as a former police officer..

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Jailed, preferably.

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Many of these incidents don't appear to have been followed up.

We haven't seen an official change, for example, to the habit the police have formed of not recording ethnicity on charge sheets. This is a clear abnegation of their duty to the public, whom they should be defending and informing of threats to their safety.

This is making things worse, not better, for anybody trying to come to this country. For want of a better phrase - and no doubt contravening the current ludicrous rules on use of the English language - minorities are now all tarred with the same brush, which is unfair on those who are here legally and working to better themselves.

Can anybody give me a good reason for not reviling certain minorities who have come here and caused such trouble? And yet, I don't - I want everyone to be treated in the same just and balanced way, whatever their race.

We are a tolerant country, but our patience is waning, and the government had better not forget it.

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This hasn't just happened overnight and there has been a long slow drip-feed to reach the point. Have our senior officers been put through a form of radicalisation? I wonder how many of them have subjected to Common Purpose training, the indoctrination from the Tony Blair institute/group which has not infected just the police, but across all walks of public life, which seems to have diluted, drained all of what was common sense.

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Great work JJ. Thank you.

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This was started by Blair replacing all the Commissioners early in his term and then politicising their job descriptions . Public security and elimination of crime were given over to spreading the socialist narrative and community relations . The next brave government - I live in hope - must reverse 25+ years of rot and get back to police work .

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Two tier system in Uk! Equality is when everyone is treated the same regardless of beliefs, race, gender, religion, class. Why does this even need to be spelled out? It doesn’t, they know this fine well and don’t care! Their goal is to create divide!

Absolute disgrace! Imagine selling out the people, ALL the people & their own integrity! They’re on the wrong side of history and future generations will hardly believe it!

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