No such thing as 'Omicron' variant. Variants were all part of the hoax to keep us fearful.

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Indeed, all a load of bollox. You may know that omicron is an anagram of moronic and anybody who still believes in the nonsense is exactly that.


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Thank you for this. I refused the jab, refused it for my kids, and they were never tested or masked. This makes me so angry. I know so many lovely folks who had these jabs for various reasons, and they now effectively have a death sentence hanging over them. It's dreadful. 💔

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Thank you for this report.

My problem now is to have conversations with relatives and friends who have had all the shots and boosters 'because the government told them to' and are suddenly experiencing serious health issues but not connecting the dots.

I'd like to pass this on to say "don't have any more" but it's difficult - how do you tell someone their previous good-citizen compliance might just be killing them?

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Exactly my situation. Every day almost, I continue to hear of people in my circle of contacts that “all of a sudden” become unwell or worse. All of these people without exception were previously healthy (including my 21 year old son who is having “anxiety issues” about all of this.

Yet these “experts” continue to spout nonsense and cover their own back. For goodness Witty was knighted and I believe has a big job in Pharma now. A whitewash, all of it!!!!

This absolutely boils my blood!!

I was never vaccinated, myself and my partnered were bullied by her nut case family but we and her 2 kids stood strong.

How will history report this……

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You're right, it is all a whitewash and as usual the innocent are punished and the guilty promoted.

Whitty should have stood up and said he didn't agree with the mandates from.the Government, but he is not the stuff from which heroes or martyra are made.

I'm sorry for your losses but happy that you stood your ground and had no vaccines. My family were mostly non-vaxed, but a brother and sister went for the full complement of jabs and neither has been well since.

Despite the evidence, the Government hasn't withdrawn the vaccines and it can only be because of the avalanche of lawsuits that would result. Despicable connivance, all of it.

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I wonder how many people caught covid in 2020 and died from it and, of those people, how many were under, say, 75 years of age and how many of them, of any age, had absolutely nothing else wrong with them. So, not the people like my late cousin who, at the age of 48, dropped down dead in the High Street from a heart attack in April 2020 and whose body was tested for covid. Had it tested positive, the death certificate would have ignored the heart attack and listed covid as cause of death.

See, there are no reliable records for "only covid" deaths are there? I personally don't know of anyone who died from it apart from a lady who had so many other co-morbidities that it would have been difficult to pick the one that killed her but, due to covid, I reckon it was the ventilator they put her on.

Many people of my acquaintance maintain they have had covid several times but only because they maintain strict swab-up-the-nose protocols. Often they insist they are suffering far more than they would have done if it was "just a cold". Most of them are still queuing up for their autumn and spring boosters, along with any other jab on offer. Most of them have a variety of new ailments - melanomas, heart murmurs, recurring chest infections - and a worsening of existing ailments. None of them would believe any of your article! None of them would even read your article! Having invested so much into the whole biblical plague narrative, they can't afford to admit they were played for fools. Just like the official inquiry can't afford to admit the whole administration played the public for fools and has likely killed many of them.

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Doesn't matter what is unveiled / uncovered or who knew what etc they will all walk away untouched because the crooked system we have will protect them. They will go on enjoying the money they were paid to turn a blind eye because they have no conscience. Their arrogance will see to that.

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I must admit it do shake my head at all the 'informed' people calling the UK COVID inquiry a ''whitewash'' many of whom have likely never watched a full oral session nor read a single witness statement and whereby i do see where they are coming from that is NOT the whole story. I also find it intruiging the 'vaccine' conference got underway the same week as the preliminary hearing for MODULE 6 CARE HOMES at the UK COVID inquiry commenced which revealled some shocking evidence but curious minds were drawn elsewhere. We should never forget who died the most in 2020 to start 'the pandemic.' No 'medical freedom' group or COVID sceptic is taking this on but we've had 4 YEARS of 'vaccine' concern despite 13 billion injections administered globally and the majority of people are not even offered the injection in 2025 nor would many accept for various reasons. If people were really serious about stopping jabs they'd be digging into the roots.

Alice Irving-Disabled People’s Organisation @ UK COVID inquiry ''whitewash''

‘‘Adult social care users were at the sharp end of the misuse of DNACPRs..From March-Sept 2020 there was a marked increase in the number of people with DNACPRs in adult social care settings and nursing homes despite there being no guidance suggesting their use should increase.’’

-Ongoing negative impacts

-Healthcare withdrawn

-One of the first decisions taken was to ease social care responsibility

-Safeguards ineffective

-Human rights abused

-Most basic needs unmet below ‘‘minimum acceptable’’ standard

-Misuse DNACPR notices

-225% increase in mortality in at home deaths from March-June 2020


Seems popular COVID ''dissent'' is also within a limited spectrum of debate ironically the same approach is employed by lawyers at the UK COVID inquiry.

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