Since devolution in 1997 labour have denigrated the English and have allowed out own children to be raped by their favourite refugees . No one at Westminster even says the word “England “.

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Praise must go to Raja Miah @recusant_raja on X, who has campaigned tirelessly in Oldham and beyond, against the cover ups and corruption by politicians and others, at enormous personal cost as he has been made a target. Do look at his posts and interviews.

No-one can believe that these atrocities have ended. They are undoubtedly still happening across the country.

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thank you penelope... put researching his work on the to do list 👍

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Julie Bindel has done excellent work in this area for many years eg https://open.substack.com/pub/juliebindel/p/a-small-sample-of-my-writing-over?r=7xbkm&utm_medium=ios

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And what about Mark Steyn on GB News until OFCOM decided to intervene?

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One whistle blower who has been forgotten in the late Marlene Guest who's defection from the LibDems to the BNP over the Rape Gangs in Rotherham was one of the main triggers that forced Andrew Norfolk to break his 8y silence and publish his 2011 Times bombshell.

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cheers bob, will have a little research

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