Product liability claim🤔 how do the EUA status impact the suit? Or did England remove or change AstraZ's product status? My understanding is that while it was recalled or taken off availability in some countries due to risk, it hadn't had it's EUA status revoked, which means the contractual protections would still be in effect, which was they couldn't be held liable unless it was proven they intentionally created a defective product or fraudulently. Excuse my ignorance on UK pharmaceutical regulations.🙏🙏
No you're spot on. That got me too. Possibly when the Govt suspended use that meant the EUA was naturally revoked. Trying to get my hands on the court papers so I can see the specific arguments.
Excellent. I read the scientists l book about how they developed the Adenovirus Oxford book and was taken by their ‘assurances’ of adequate testing. Never again. No more injections for me.
effing foontastic.
Product liability claim🤔 how do the EUA status impact the suit? Or did England remove or change AstraZ's product status? My understanding is that while it was recalled or taken off availability in some countries due to risk, it hadn't had it's EUA status revoked, which means the contractual protections would still be in effect, which was they couldn't be held liable unless it was proven they intentionally created a defective product or fraudulently. Excuse my ignorance on UK pharmaceutical regulations.🙏🙏
No you're spot on. That got me too. Possibly when the Govt suspended use that meant the EUA was naturally revoked. Trying to get my hands on the court papers so I can see the specific arguments.
Excellent. I read the scientists l book about how they developed the Adenovirus Oxford book and was taken by their ‘assurances’ of adequate testing. Never again. No more injections for me.
No new responses, smell the rat....